


Magic messages

During the project we had a unique opportunity to meet many amazing people, thanks to whom inclusive education is becoming a permanent element of school daily life.



Inclusion in action

As part of our Partnership meeting, we had an inspiring presentation from our colleagues from the Cristo de Yedra school in Spain. They showed us examples of the challenges they face and the measures they have taken.



How significant are teachers in a child’s life?

As social animals, our mental health and emotional well-being depends on social inclusion, it is important at every stage of life. Schools and colleges are not just about “education”. They play a significant role in socialisation and our mental well-being.



RESISTIRÉ project policy recommendations on creating a more resilient and inclusive education system

RESISTIRÉ is a research project which aims at finding sustainable solutions to gendered inequalities, and to strengthen societal resilience to outbreaks. The project’s webinar discussed quantitative and qualitative evidence on the negative impacts of COVID-19 in education.



Inclusive Education Resources and Toolkit

Ensuring inclusive education requires a lot of continuous work, but having appropriate tools and resources makes it quite easier.



Our first training for INSCOOL II project

Last weekend in the beautiful city of Krakow, we began our first training for INSCOOL II project. During these two days, the participants had the opportunity to learn more about our initiative.



Inclusive education, the boost that our students and society need

We are facing a worrying increase in mental health problems among young people. Education systems cannot be solely responsible for taking action in this growing problem, but we must consider alternatives to improve the mental health and wellbeing of our students.



The use of native languages in education supports inclusion

To support inclusion, it is a very important perspective to make use of the native language of pupils. That is not a strange thought because more than half of the world’s population is multilingual, and opportunities are in almost every school. 



Have we included everyone? – diagnose before updating your strategy

Inclusion in education has been a hot topic all over Europe. There have been various attempts to develop inclusion strategies for different groups, such as for the inclusion of disabled students, newly arrived migrants, those with special needs and others.

Our partners

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This website and the information it contain will not be updated after July 2023, as the project is closed.

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