

British Council

The British Council was founded in 1934 at a time when intolerance was on the rise in Europe. We were established as a response to the growing threat of racist ideologies, with the mandate to build trust and mutual respect among diverse communities through education, community development, English and the arts. Eighty five years on, this goal remains at the heart of our guiding principles. The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We are on the ground in six continents and over 100 countries, bringing international opportunity to life, every day. In 2019-20 we connected with 80 million people directly and with 791 million people overall, including online and through our broadcasts and publications.

We have extensive experience in supporting the development of civil society in Europe and beyond. The British Council in Poland is represented by Fundacja British Council, a registered charity. Fundacja British Council brings an experience of more than 80 years working in Poland to support intercultural dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding.  

InterActing UK

Interacting UK Limited is a Language, Theatre, Training company supplying professional services to education and business, and promoting international cooperation. Interacting UK was formed in response to needs in both formal and informal learning environments for greater flexibility in the introduction of content and sensitivity to acquiring real life skills. Interacting UK is partner of Interacting S.L. from Spain and mirrors the service and expertise of the Spanish company and broadens the range of activities and collaborations. 

Interacting draws on techniques from Devised Theatre and professional management training to inspire teachers and engage students in lifelong learning. Interacting is a project developer, a training provider and theatre company. Interacting promotes innovation in learning and internationalisation among schools, colleges, universities, local communities and on the internet. Interacting works to create communities of practice and sustainable learning networks. Interacting is a founding member and current chair of the European Association of Training Providers, a key member of a reputable network bringing quality to the fore in Erasmus Plus and beyond. 

Currently Interacting has 5 core staff and a team of approximately 20 “associates”. The team is made up of a diverse group of professionals from the world of the theatre and education who specialize in crossing from the stage to the place of learning. Blending techniques developed in training actors and enhancing business environments. 

Interacting programmes are most effective in areas of building confidence, developing key communicative oral skills and team management. Interacting currently hold major teacher training events each year and a summer language school for young people. This year Interacting hosts around 400 teachers on KA1 projects in Belfast, Madrid, Berlin, Helsinki and the Canary Islands and over 100 young people in Belfast. Currently Interacting are working with the Educational Authority of Northern Ireland to deliver training on school leadership and building Communities of Practice in a KA1 project with head teachers from over 140 schools.  


CESIE is a European Centre of Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Sicily. It was established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the sociologist, activist and educator Danilo Dolci (1924-1997). Our mission is to promote educational innovation, participation and growth. CESIE is structured in 6 main units: 

  • Higher Education and Research: fostering progress, sustainable and responsible research and innovation in Higher Education and Research Systems; 

  • Rights and Justice: promoting equality, protecting the rights of people, preventing and developing responses to violence and discrimination; 

  • Adult: upgrading lifelong learning in adult education, boosting innovative practices and developing key competences for adults; 

  • Migration: developing effective and inclusive approaches for asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants; 

  • School: improving quality and efficiency in school education; 

  • Youth: enhancing active citizenship, training, education, and mobility of young people. 

CESIE staff is composed of 70 individuals with a wide range of qualifications, skills and professional profiles, united by a deep sharing of ideals that lead our activities. At the same time, we rely on about 150 external experts that collaborate for specific activities, and 100 interns and volunteers who join us every year. CESIE’s slogan “the world is only one creature” expresses the philosophy for which the organisation works: inclusion and equity for all.  

logo ESHAEuropean School Heads Association

ESHA, the European School Heads Association, is a professional organization for European School Heads. Members of ESHA are national organisations for school heads and deputy school heads within (pre-) primary, secondary and vocational education. Nearly all European countries (both EU and non-EU) are represented within ESHA by one or more organisations and thus it represents 64.000 school leaders in (pre-) primary, secondary and vocational education.

ESHA is an international community in which experiences, visions and views between members are exchanged and in which new ideas are born. ESHA connects school leaders, researchers and policy makers with the collective aim to learn from each other and improve education.

ESHA’s current activities mainly focus on school leadership, school culture, modernisation of education, key competences, inclusion, multiculturalism, bullying prevention and early intervention to prevent early school leaving. 

Lifelong Learning Platform

The Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP) gathers 42 European networks in education, training and youth. LLLP members represent millions of actors in Europe in all sectors of education & training (secondary, higher education, VET, adult and popular education, non-formal and informal learning, networks for students, school heads, parents, teachers and trainers). Acknowledged by the European Commission as a “unique representation” of lifelong learning at EU level, LLLP works to build citizen’s voice on lifelong learning and is committed to promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship within education and training systems in Europe. LLLP was a partner of the Inscool I project (2019-2021). 

University of Granada

The University of Granada (1531) is a public comprehensive research university with approx. 56,000 students, 3,600 academics, 1,900 administrative and support staff. Its 27 Faculties and Schools and 124 Departments offer 62 undergraduate degrees, 106 master’s degrees and 28 doctoral programmes organized in 3 overarching doctoral schools. It has 15 research institutes and over 400 research teams working in all disciplinary fields. The UGR is currently ranked 3rd in Spain according to the Shanghai ranking (2019) and is the leading regional university in the south of Spain, with 34 disciplines appearing in the top 500. As a public higher education institution, it is committed not only to quality and excellence in education, learning and research but also to activities targeting the transfer of scientific, technical and artistic knowledge to society, the betterment of society and a sustainable environment. The UGR has played a leading role in the longest-standing European university network, the Coimbra Group, which it chaired from 2010 to 2017. The UGR regards internationalization as a policy priority. It is a leading participant in the Erasmus mobility scheme from its outset, in recognition of which it received the Erasmus Gold Star Award in 2007. It also has a large worldwide mobility programme for students and staff financed by the UGR’s own Internationalization Fund. Furthermore, it is also very active in E+ KA2 and predecessor programmes (currently >50 EU active projects). One of its latest achievements is the coordination of the Arqus European University Alliance, one of the first 17 European Universities funded under the Erasmus+ programme. 

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