

Building on the outputs and outcomes of Inclusive Schools, we created a vision for the delivery of Inclusive Schools II. Feel free to use the resources and tools from both projects as follows.

That  project was designed with the vision to inspire inclusion practice in schools around Europe. By the term inclusion, we embraced all kinds of diversities and addressed every student’s particular needs towards their learning development and access to a safe school environment offering opportunities for everyone. The Inclusive Schools team has worked on a set of tools to facilitate the inclusion process of the school community and give incentives to school staff and students to adopt the methodology and adapt accordingly. These tools are primarily intended to teachers and school leaders but it has happened that actively involved students of older age have used them as well.

Education Pack

The Education Pack of Inclusive Schools is authored by Sian Williams, an international expert with over twenty-five years of experience in education and in projects of inclusion-in-education across the world. This toolkit is designed to guide you flexibly, in ways that suit your school, through the start of a journey towards inclusion: improving personal and academic outcomes for all children and young people by focusing on their access to and participation in quality, relevant education. You will find tips; methodology and activities to lead in the classroom or within the school community.

Activities Booklet (Week activities pack)

Have fun with your students and take us much as you need from this toolkit. How to practically approach rights-based learning in your classroom? Come and see!

Inclusive education needs assessment and collection of inspiring practices

Explore with us the concept of social inclusion and the ways it is put into practices inside European schools.

Training Manual -Training on Inclusion for School Leaders and Teachers

If you are interested in becoming an Inscool II trainer, this manual was designed to help you. This manual contains the full training programmes developed by the INSCOOL II consortium as well as practical ideas for organising and implementing the trainings in your own context.

Advocacy Groups Recommendations

THE INSCOOL II PROJECT - Online publication - good practice summary

Policy Recommendations

Advocacy for changes on a systemic level

Our partners

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This website and the information it contain will not be updated after July 2023, as the project is closed.

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