
Inclusive Schools Role Model Carlos

Fernando: Hello everyone! I am delighted to introduce you to my sixth-grade class. Amin, who couldn´t assist yesterday because he was sick is asking about homework.

Amin: Hey mates! What did you do yesterday in the class?

José Abel: We studied the past simple tense, comparatives and superlatives adjectives.

Yeah! for example, the school I like the most is el Cristo de la Yedra.

And we love preparing our English activities.

Did you know this term we are working on Harry Potter, an escape room, an introduction, and we have also decorated the classrooms and the corridors! And for the next term we are creating a comic based on Pokemon!! Everything in English!! We are going to have a great time!!

Break the circle!

Come on and join us!

If you come, you will stay.

We are waiting for you. Come and meet us.

Hello everyone, we welcome you to our school, Cristo de la Yedra, a reference centre in Granada, especially in terms of inclusion and integration.

The values of Jesús María are present in every act we carry out, from classroom activities to public events such as Peace Day, Claudina´s Day, or this little learning situation, which we hope will help you to get to know us a little better.

This learning situation has been created following the principle of Universal Design for Learning, UDL (Universal Design for Learning), created for year six, for eleven-year-old students, with which we have taken into account aspects such as A. the what of learning, i.e. it has provided multiple means of REPRESENTATION; A1. Presenting professions through the reading of texts, offering an alternative to visual language, clarifying vocabulary, syntax and promoting the use of other languages (for migrants’ students); A2. To learn about the professions through drawings, pictograms and audio-visual material, offering alternatives to auditory information; B. Provide multiple forms of ENGAGEMENT (the "why" of learning). B3. It offers different levels of complexity to be chosen by the students, in order to promote self-regulation; And finally, C. provide multiple means of ACTION AND EXPRESSION (the "how" of learning). C1. Game of guessing professions through mime, to facilitate physical action. C2. Let's dress up and make our own instruments (recycled materials) of a profession, to encourage the use of tools and technologies. And finally, C3. make a presentation on a chosen profession, to encourage communication among the students themselves.

Thank you very much, see you soon and we hope to see you here.

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This website and the information it contain will not be updated after July 2023, as the project is closed.

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