Nagrania - ROLE MODELS



Inclusive Schools Role Model Alicja Sablik

I have chosen literally just a few things to talk you through
but at the same time, I think these are the most important and the most essential things.
The first one being the most crucial, which is supporting teachers, I mean simple as that, those teachers who have some students with SEND in their classrooms.
And my role is just to share with them some tips and ideas, what they can do
to facilitate the learning. This actually overlaps with what Val has just said
about differentiation and scaffolding.
Maybe just to give you an example,
we have a student who is diagnosed with autism
and he keeps asking a lot of questions in the classroom,
which on one hand is fantastic, but if this is 50 questions in 5 minutes for 90 minutes lesson,
It can be a bit challenging.
We discussed with the teacher what we can do
and one of the ideas was to create
something like a question box for this person, this student,
so he doesn’t ask these questions all the time
and he can just write down these questions on the paper slip,
He can be helped of course, there can be a learner assistant. Who will be supporting him with writing these questions
At the end of the lesson, the last five minutes,
the teacher can look at those paper slips with questions
they can answer these questions
or they can be answered by the whole class,
so it also involves other students.
It is one of those practical things that can happen in a classroom.
I also run some workshops both for teachers and learning assistants.
Today and tomorrow, I’m running a workshop for the learner assistants
and I will be focusing on supporting students with autism and ADHD.
So that’s one more thing.
Then we have our own teaching centre bulletin issued once a month.
I post information related to SEND.
Last month that was classroom activity,
which focused on developing empathy.
Empathy is needed everywhere, in the classroom as well especially when there are some students with SEND
and sometimes they might be left out and not really accepted by other peers.
I thought this is an important issue to think about.
Last but not least, I haven’t done it yet, but it’s on my to do list,
probably at the very beginning of the new year.
I would like to make some posters related to SEND topics,
maybe some quotations from students with SEND
and I would like to put them in the classrooms in Warsaw.
some kind of food for thought for students, for teachers,
for anybody who will be in those classrooms.
Maybe it will encourage them to think about neurodivergent students
or just simply differences between people.
So far that’s it. Maybe it’s not a lot but work in progress.
We will see what will be happening in the next year.

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